Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Astrophel and Stella. Other Songs of Variable VerseNinth Song: Go my flock! go get you hence!
Sir Philip Sidney (1554–1586)G
Seek a better place of feeding;
Where you may have some defence
Fro the storms in my breast breeding
And showers from mine eyes proceeding.
Can abide to keep no measure:
Merry flock! such one forego,
Unto whom mirth is displeasure:
Only rich in mischief’s treasure.
Hear your woeful master’s story;
Which to stones I else would show.
Sorrow only then hath glory,
When ’tis excellently sorry.
Fiercest but yet fairest ever!
Though against me she persèvere;
Though I bliss inherit never.
In this caitiff heart to be;
Than can in good ewes be movèd,
Towards lambkins best belovèd.
In this pleasant spring, must see,
While in pride flowers be preservèd
Himself only winter-starvèd.
That she loveth me so dearly?
Seeing me so long to bear
Coals of love that burn so clearly:
And yet leave me helpless merely?
If I saw my good dog grievèd,
And a help for him did know;
My love should not be believèd,
But he were by me relievèd.
Feigning love somewhat to please me:
For she knows, if she display
All her hate; death would soon seize me,
And of hideous torments ease me.
But, alas, if in your straying,
Heavenly S
Tell her in your piteous blaying,
Her poor slave’s unjust decaying.