Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Parthenophil and ParthenopheOde 2. Speak, Echo! tell
Barnabe Barnes (1569?–1609)S
With lilies, columbines, and roses,
What their P
O sacred smell!
For those, which in her lap she closes,
The gods like well!
With daffodillies, what she doth plet
Which in such order, she doth set
For L
As She should F
This L
Why lilies and red roses like her? E
No pity with remorse will strike her!
Did Nature well,
Which did, from fairest Graces, pike her
To be mine hell?
Why columbines she entertains?
Because the proverb “Watchet” feigns,
“True loves like well!”
And do these therefore like her veins? E
There C
Wherefore her chaplets yellow were like,
When others here, were more her like? E
Yet, I know well!
Her heart is tiger-like, or bear-like,
To rocks itsell.