Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Parthenophil and ParthenopheOde 7. When I did think to write of war
Barnabe Barnes (1569?–1609)W
And martial chiefdens of the field,
My Muse to praise the Western Star!
But P
My Muse as too weak, it to wield!
Divinest Wits have done their best!
And yet the most have provèd least;
Such was her Sacred Majesty!
Love’s Pride! Grace to Virginity!
O could my Muse, in her praise rest!
The praise of peerless Beauty’s Wonder!
A theme more fit for voice of thunder!
Ten thousand Graces dared my might,
And willed me, five degrees write under!
That my Muse did, her praise adventure!
Wherein, of yore, it durst not enter.
And now her beauty gives that touch
Unto my Muse, in number such;
Which makes me more and more repent her!