Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Parthenophil and ParthenopheOde 9. Behold, out walking in these valleys
Barnabe Barnes (1569?–1609)B
When fair P
How joysome F
And, at her steps, sweet flowers bred!
Narcissus yellow,
And Amaranthus ever red,
Which all her footsteps overspread:
With Hyacinth that finds no fellow.
Where my P
Her beauty makes trees moving quick,
Which, of her grace, in murmur talk!
The Poplar trees shed tears;
The blossomed Hawthorn, white as chalk;
And Aspen trembling on his stalk;
The tree which sweet frankincense bears;
Green Ivy, with his strange embraces;
Daphne, which scorns J
Sweet Cypress, set in sundry places;
And singing Atis tells
Unto the rest, my Mistress’s graces!
From them, the wind, her glory chases
Throughout the West; where it excels.