Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
PhillisSonnet II. You sacred sea-nymphs pleasantly disporting
Thomas Lodge (1558–1625)Y
Amidst this wat’ry world, where now I sail;
If ever love, or lovers sad reporting,
Had power sweet tears from your fair eyes to hail;
And you, more gentle-hearted than the rest,
Under the northern noon-stead sweetly streaming
Lend those moist riches of your crystal crest,
To quench the flames from my heart’s Ætna streaming;
And thou, kind Triton, in thy trumpet relish
The ruthful accents of my discontent,
That midst this travel desolate and hellish,
Some gentle wind that listens my lament
May prattle in the north in Phillis’ ears:
“Where Phillis wants, Damon consumes in tears.”