Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
The Tears of FancieSonnet LIV. Blame me not deere loue though I talke at randon
Thomas Watson (1555–1592)B
Terming thee scornefull, proud, vnkind, disdaineful
Since all I doe cannot my woes abandon,
Or ridde me of the yoake I feele so painefull.
If I doe paint thy pride or want of pittie,
Consider likewise how I blase thy beautie:
Inforced to the first in mournefull dittie,
Constrained to the last by seruile dutie:
And take thou no offence if I misdeemed,
Thy beauties glorie quencheth thy prides blemish:
Better it is of all to be esteemed,
Faire and too proud than not faire and too squemishe.
And seeing thou must scorne and tis aprooued,
Scorne to be ruthles since thou art beloued.