
Home  »  Elizabethan Sonnets  »  Sonnet LVI. Fair ye be sure, but cruel and unkind

Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.

Amoretti and Epithalamion

Sonnet LVI. Fair ye be sure, but cruel and unkind

Edmund Spenser (1552?–1599)

FAIR ye be sure, but cruel and unkind,

As is a tiger, that with greediness

Hunts after blood; when he by chance doth find

A feeble beast, doth felly him oppress.

Fair be ye sure, but proud and pitiless,

As is a storm, that all things doth prostrate;

Finding a tree alone all comfortless,

Beats on it strongly, it to ruinate.

Fair be ye sure, but hard and obstinate,

As is a rock amidst the raging floods;

’Gainst which, a ship, of succour desolate,

Doth suffer wreck both of herself and goods.

That ship, that tree, and that same beast, am I,

Whom ye do wreck, do ruin, and destroy.