Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Parthenophil and ParthenopheSonnet LXXXV. From East’s bed rosy, whence Aurora riseth
Barnabe Barnes (1569?–1609)F
Be thy cheeks figured, which their beams display
In smiles! whose sight mine heart with joy surpriseth;
And which my Fancy’s flowers do fair array,
Cleared with the gracious dews of her regard.
The West, whence evening comes; her frowning brow,
Where Discontentment ploughs his furrows hard!
(There doth She bury her affections now!)
The North, whence storms with mists and frosts proceed;
My black Despair! long Sorrows! and cold Fear!
The South, whence showers, in great abundance breed,
And where hot sun doth to meridian rear;
My Eyes, whose object nought but tears require!
And my soft Heart, consumed with rage of fire!