Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
DiellaSonnet XXIX. Cease, Eyes, to cherish with still flowing tears
Richard Linche (fl. 15961601)C
the almost withered roots of dying grief!
Dry up your running brooks! and dam your meres!
and let my body die for moist relief!
But D
my slackless pain, hell’s horror doth exceed.
There is no hell so black as her disdain!
whence cares, sighs, sorrows, and all griefs do breed.
Instead of sleep, when day incloistered is
in dusty prison of infernal night,
With broad-waked eyes, I wail my miseries;
and if I wink, I fear some ugly sight,
Such fearful dreams do haunt my troubled mind:
My Love ’s the cause, ’cause She is so unkind.