Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
DiellaSonnet XXXV. End this enchantment, Love! of my desires!
Richard Linche (fl. 15961601)E
let me no longer languish for thy love!
Joy not, to see me thus consume in fires!
but let my cruel pains, thy hard heart move!
And now, at last, with pitiful regard,
eye me, thy lover! ’lorn for lack of thee!
Which, dying, lives in hope of sweet reward,
which hate hath hitherto withheld from me.
Constant have I been, still in Fancy fast,
ordained by heavens to doat upon my Fair,
Nor will I e’er, so long as life shall last,
say any “’s fairer! breathing vital air.”
But when the ocean sands shall lie unwet;
That shall my soul, to love thee, Dear! forget!