Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
FidessaSonnet XXXVIII. Was never eye did see my Mistresss face
Bartholomew Griffin (d. 1602)W
Was never ear did hear F
Was never mind that once did mind her grace,
That ever thought the travail to be long!
“When her I see, no creature I behold.”
So plainly say, these Advocates of Love,
That now do fear, and now to speak are bold;
Trembling apace, when they resolve to prove.
These strange effects do show a hidden power,
A majesty, all base attempts reproving;
That glads or daunts as she doth laugh or lower;
Surely some goddess harbours in their moving!
Who thus my Muse from base attempts hath raised,
Whom thus my Muse beyond compare hath praised.