Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Astrophel and StellaV. It is most true—that eyes are formed to serve
Sir Philip Sidney (1554–1586)I
The inward light; and that the heavenly part
Ought to be King; from whose rules, who doth swerve,
(Rebels to Nature) strive for their own smart:
It is most true—what we call C
An image is; which for ourselves we carve,
And, fools! adore, in temple of our heart;
Till that good GOD make church and churchman starve:
True—that true beauty, Virtue is indeed;
Whereof this beauty can be but a shade,
Which elements with mortal mixture breed:
True—that on earth, we are but pilgrims made;
And should in soul, up to our country move:
True—and yet true, that I must S