Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Astrophel and StellaXCIX. When far-spent night persuades each mortal eye
Sir Philip Sidney (1554–1586)W
To whom nor art nor nature granteth light;
To lay his then mark-wanting shafts of sight,
Closed with their quivers, in sleep’s armoury:
With windows ope then most my mind doth lie,
Viewing the shape of darkness and delight;
Takes in that sad hue, which with th’inward night
Of his mazed powers keeps perfect harmony.
But when birds charm, and that sweet air which is
Morn’s messenger, with rose-enamelled skies,
Call each wight to salute the hour of bliss;
In tomb of lids, then buried are mine eyes:
Forced by their lord; who is ashamed to find
Such light in sense, with such a darkened mind.