Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
Astrophel and StellaXXIX. Like some weak lords—neighboured by mighty kings
Sir Philip Sidney (1554–1586)L
To keep themselves and their chief cities free;
Do easily yield that all their coasts may be
Ready to store their camp of needful things:
So S
To keep itself in life and liberty;
Doth willing grant that in the frontiers he
Use all to help his other conquerings:
And thus her heart escapes, but thus her eyes
Serve him with shot; her lips, his heralds are;
Her breasts, his tents; legs, his triumphal car;
Her flesh, his food; her skin, his armour brave.
And I, but for because my prospect lies
Upon that coast, am given up for slave.