Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.
LauraPart IIIXXXIX. In vasty sea, fain would my slender Muse
Robert Tofte (15611620)I
Wade in thy praise! to praise thy beauty right:
But, Lady, I for pardon crave excuse.
To break such waves, too brittle is her might!
Meantime, with lowly verse, in humble show,
Along the shallow shore I’ll wading go.
The time may come, perhaps ere it be long,
That this my Quill, more bold, may write thy praise:
And venture for to sail in th’ ocean strong;
Though now, on gravelled shore it fearful stays.
And whereas now, to dip his foot he fears:
He then shall dive himself o’er head and ears.