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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 285 John Bartlett

Ruffian, that father, 85.
Ruffles, sending them, 398.
when wanting a shirt, 286.
Rug, snug as a bug in a, 361.
Rugged line, harsh cadence of a, 270.
Russian bear, 122.
Ruin and confusion hurled, in, 300.
drunkenness identical with, 951.
final, fiercely drives, 309.
has designed, whom God to, 269.
lovely in death the beauteous, 308.
majestic though in, 227.
man marks the earth with, 547.
on the state, statesmen pulled, 659.
one prodigious, swallow all, 337.
or to rule the state, 267.
prostrate the beauteous, 453.
seize thee ruthless king, 383.
systems into, hurled, 315.
the fires of, glow, 513.
threats of pain and, 385.
upon ruin rout on rout, 230.
Ruins, fame on lesser, built, 258.
human mind in, 868.
of himself, the, 347.
of Iona, 369.
of St. Paul’s, 602.
of the noblest man, 113.
Ruin’s ploughshare, stern, 448.
Ruined by natural propensities, 411.
Ruin-trace, can print no, 635.
Rule alone, too fond to, 327.
all be done by the, 157.
Britannia, 358.
exceptions prove the, 187.
eye sublime declared absolute, 232.
gran’ther’s, was safer, 737.
guided by this golden, 801.
Homer’s, the best, 328.
little sway, a little, 358.
long-levelled, 244.
my sole, of life, 583.
none shall, but the humble, 616.
of men entirely great, 631.
of Plato, 254.
over others, how shall I, 957.
scepter of, is the spade, 660.
the good old, 473.
the great, ill can he, 29.
the law, rich men, 395.
the rost, 11, 194.
the state, to ruin or to, 267.
the varied year, to, 356.
them with a rod of iron, 1041.
those who can not read can, 683.
Rules, a few plain, 479.
and hammers, 159.
never shows she, 321.
o’er freemen, who, 375.
the twelve good, 398.
the waves, Britannia, 358.
the world, is the hand that, 731.
Ruler of the inverted year, 420.
Rulers of the Queen’s navee, 801.
Ruleth all the roste, 8.
his spirit, he that, 1019.
Ruling passion, 321, 322.
power within, 936.
Rum and true religion, 556.
cattle to deal with, 827.
Romanism and rebellion, 866.
Rumble grumble and roar, terrible, 751.
Ruminate, as thou dost, 153.
Rumination wraps me, my often, 70.
Rumour of oppression, 418.
Rumours of wars, 1033.
Run amuck, too discreet to, 328.
away and fly, 212.
away, he feared to, 847.
away, they conquer love that, 200.
back, time will, 251.
before the wind, 393.
but through its woof there, 715.
down, and all the wheels, 728.
he may, that readeth it, 1028.
I can, or I can fly, 246.
life’s race well, 757.
red with other wars, 784.
to and fro, many shall, 1027.
to wait to ride to, 30.
with the hare, 33.
with the hound, 12.
yon happier one its course is, 751.
Runs away, he that fights and, 216.
away, he who fights and, 403.
may read, he that, 422.
the great circuit, 420.
the world away, 138.
Rung in the ears, vanitas vanitatum, 750.
Runic rhyme, time in a sort of, 655.
Runneth not to the contrary, 392.
over, my cup, 1011.
Running brooks, books in the, 67.
laughter, 841.
on air, 857.
sprightly, 276.
streams, on craggy hills and, 653.
Rupert of debate, 631.
Rural quiet, retirement, 355.
sights alone, not, 417.
Rush against Othello’s breast, 156.
into the skies, 315.
of the river, no sound save, 766.
to glory or the grave, 515.
Rushes between the one and the other, 631.
Rushed to meet the insulting foe, 443.
Rushing of the arrowy Rhone, 543.
of the blast, the, 573.
Russet mantle clad, morn in, 127.
year inhaled the dreamy air, 751.
Russia, last out a night in, 47.
Russian bear, the rugged, 122.
Russians shall not have Constantinople, 867.
Rust, better to be eaten to death with, 88.
better wear out than, 1045.
brightest blades grow dim with, 691.
in rust of earth in earth and, 762.
thy red falchion gathering, 623.
unburnished, to, 668.
Rustic life and poverty, 514.
moralist, teach the, 385.