
C.N. Douglas, comp. Forty Thousand Quotations: Prose and Poetical. 1917.


Child of the earth’s old age.

Miss Langdon.

The home of the homeless all over the earth.


America,—half-brother of the world!


America is rising with a giant’s strength. Its bones are yet but cartilages.

Fisher Ames.

I was born an American; I live an American; I shall die an American.

Daniel Webster.

America is a fortunate country. She grows by the follies of our European nations.


  • Sail on, O Ship of State!
  • Sail on, O Union, strong and great.
  • Longfellow.

    The enterprise of America precedes that of Europe, as the industry of England precedes that of the rest of Europe.


    America has begun her career at the culminating point of life, as Adam did at the age of thirty.

    Mme. Swetchine.

  • Earth’s biggest country’s gut her soul
  • An’ risen up earth’s greatest nation.
  • Lowell.

  • Down to the Plymouth Rock, that had been to their feet as a doorstep
  • Into a world unknown the corner-stone of a nation!
  • Longfellow.

    America has furnished to the world the character of Washington! And if our American institutions had done nothing else, that alone would have entitled them to the respect of mankind.

    Daniel Webster.

  • Columbia, Columbia, to glory arise,
  • The queen of the world and the child of the skies!
  • Thy genius commands thee; with rapture behold,
  • While ages on ages thy splendors unfold.
  • Timothy Dwight.

  • England, our mother’s mother! Come and see
  • A greater England here! O come and be
  • At home with us, your children, for there runs
  • The same blood in our veins as in your sons;
  • The same deep-seated love of liberty
  • Beats in our hearts. We speak the same good tongue;
  • Familiar with all songs your bards have sung,
  • Those large men, Milton, Shakespeare, both are ours.
  • Stoddard.

    Cease to brag to me of America, and its model institutions and constitutions. America, too, will have to strain its energies, crack its sinews, and all but break its heart, as the rest of us have had to do, in thousand-fold wrestle with the Pythons and mud-demons, before it can become a habitation for the gods.


    Young man, there is America—which at this day serves for little more than to amuse you with stories of savage men and uncouth manners; yet shall, before you taste of death, show itself equal to the whole of that commerce which now attracts the envy of the world.


  • Lo! body and soul!—this land!
  • Mighty Manhattan, with spires, and
  • The sparkling and hurrying tides, and the ships;
  • The varied and ample land—the South
  • And the North in the light—Ohio’s shores, and flashing Missouri,
  • And ever the far-spreading prairies, covered with grass and corn.
  • Walt Whitman.

    Our country, whether bounded by the St. John’s and the Sabine, or however otherwise bounded or described, and be the measurement more or less,—still our country, to be cherished in all our hearts, to be defended by all our hands.

    Robert C. Winthrop.