Hoyt & Roberts, comps. Hoyt’s New Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations. 1922.
By evil report and good report
II Corinthians. VI. 8.
Ill news is wing’d with fate, and flies apace.
Dryden—Threnodia Augustalis. L. 49.
Where village statesmen talk’d with looks profound,
And news much older than their ale went round.
Goldsmith—The Deserted Village. L. 223.
It is good news, worthy of all acceptation, and yet not too good to be true.
Matthew Henry—Commentaries. I Timothy. I. 15.
Stay a little, and news will find you.
Herbert—Jacula Prudentum.
What, what, what,
What’s the news from Swat?
Sad news,
Bad news,
Comes by the cable; led
Through the Indian Ocean’s bed,
Through the Persian Gulf, the Red
Sea, and the Med-
Iterranean—he’s dead;
The Akhoond is dead.
George Thomas Lanigan—The Akhoond of Swat. Written after seeing the item in the London papers, Jan. 22, 1878, “The Akhoond of Swat is dead.”
Who, or why, or which, or what,
Is the Akhond of Swat?
Edward Lear—The Akhond of Swat.
Ill news, madam,
Are swallow-winged, but what’s good
Walks on crutches.
Massinger—Picture. Act II. 1.
News, news, news, my gossiping friends,
I have wonderful news to tell,
A lady by me her compliments sends;
And this is the news from Hell!
Owen Meredith (Lord Lytton)—News.
He’s gone, and who knows how he may report
Thy words by adding fuel to the flame?
Milton—Samson Agonistes. L. 1,350.
For evil news rides post, while good news baits.
Milton—Samson Agonistes. L. 1,538.
As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.
Proverbs. XXV. 25.
Ram thou thy fruitful tidings in mine ears,
That long time have been barren.
Antony and Cleopatra. Act II. Sc. 5. L. 24.
Prithee, friend,
Pour out the pack of matter to mine ear,
The good and bad together.
Antony and Cleopatra. Act II. Sc. 5. L. 53.
Though it be honest, it is never good
To bring bad news; give to a gracious message
An host of tongues; but, let ill tidings tell
Themselves when they be felt.
Antony and Cleopatra. Act II. Sc. 5. L. 85.
Here comes Monsieur le Beau
With his mouth full of news,
Which he will put on us, as pigeons feed their young.
Then shall we be news-crammed.
As You Like It. Act I. Sc. 2. L. 96.
If it be summer news,
Smile to ’t before: if winterly, thou need’st
But keep that countenance still.
Cymbeline. Act III. Sc. 4. L. 12.
There’s villainous news abroad.
Henry IV. Pt. I. Act II. Sc. 4. L. 365.
Yet the first bringer of unwelcome news
Hath but a losing office; and his tongue
Sounds ever after as a sullen bell,
Remember’d tolling a departed friend.
Henry IV. Pt. II. Act I. Sc. 1. L. 100.
And tidings do I bring, and lucky joys,
And golden times, and happy news of price
I pr’ythee now, deliver them like a man of the world.
Henry IV. Pt. II. Act V. Sc. 3. L. 101.
I drown’d these news in tears.
Henry VI. Pt. III. Act II. Sc. 1. L. 104.
News fitting to the night,
Black, fearful, comfortless and horrible.
King John. Act V. Sc. 6. L. 19.
My heart hath one poor string to stay it by,
Which holds but till thy news be uttered.
King John. Act V. Sc. 7. L. 55.
Master, master! news, old news, and such news as you never heard of!
Taming of the Shrew. Act III. Sc. 2. L. 30.
How goes it now, sir? this news which is called true is so like an old tale, that the verity of it is in strong suspicion.
Winter’s Tale. Act V. Sc. 2. L. 25.
Ce n’est pas un événement, c’est une nouvelle.
It is not an event, it is a piece of news.
Talleyrand. On hearing of Napoleon’s death.