C.D. Warner, et al., comp. The Library of the World’s Best Literature.
An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.
Keep Your Own Secret
By Sa’dī (c. 1213–1291)
For a year it had not passed from his breast to his lips; it was published to all the world in a single day.
He commanded the executioner to sever with the sword their heads from their bodies without mercy.
One from their midst exclaimed: “Beware! slay not the slaves, for the fault is thine own.
“Why didst thou not dam up at once what at first was but a fountain? What availeth it to do so when it is become a torrent?”
Take heed that thou reveal not to any one the secret of thy heart, for he will divulge it to all the world.
Thy jewels thou mayst consign to the keeping of thy treasurer; but thy secret reserve for thine own keeping.
Whilst thou utterest not a word, thou hast thy hand upon it, when thou hast uttered it, it hath laid its hand upon thee.
Thou knowest that when the demon hath escaped from his cage, by no adjuration will he enter it again.
The word is an enchained demon in the pit of the heart; let it not escape to the tongue and the palate.
It is possible to open a way to the strong demon; to retake him by stratagem is not possible.
A child may untether “Lightning,” but a hundred Rustams will not bring him to the halter again.
Take heed that thou say not that which, if it come to the crowd, may bring trouble to a single individual.
It was well said by his wife to an ignorant peasant:—
“Either talk sensibly or hold thy tongue.”