C.D. Warner, et al., comp.
The Library of the World’s Best Literature. An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.
Abbé Proyart (1743?–1808)
Proyart, Liévain Bonaventure (Abbé) (prwä-yär’). A French religious writer and historian; born at Artois, 1743?; died at Arras, 1808. He took orders, and emigrated at the period of the Revolution, against which some of his writings were directed. Among his works are: ‘The Virtuous Pupil,’ a small book which has become a classic (1772); a ‘Life of the Dauphin, Father of Louis XV.’ (1778); ‘History of Stanislaus I., King of Poland’ (1782); ‘The Life and Crimes of Robespierre, Surnamed the Tyrant’ (1795); and various others on historical themes.