C.D. Warner, et al., comp.
The Library of the World’s Best Literature. An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.
Hafez (c. 1325–c. 1389)
Hafez, Khwāja Shams-ad-Dīn Muhammad (Pers. pro. hâ-fiz’). Persia’s famous lyric poet; born at Shiraz, about 1325; died there, 1389. The most complete English edition of his works is that of H. Wilberforce Clarke: ‘The Dīvān ī Hafez, Translated’ (1891). Hafez seems to be most characteristic in his many ‘Ghazels’ or odes, whose themes are his own emotions. Other English translations include: ‘Selections from Hafez’ (1875), by H. Bicknell; ‘Persian Poetry for English Readers’ (privately printed, 1883), by S. Robinson; ‘Ghazels from the Divan of Hafez’ (1893), by Justin Huntley McCarthy. (See Critical and Biographical Introduction).