C.D. Warner, et al., comp.
The Library of the World’s Best Literature. An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.
Jean-Leo Placentius (c. 1500–c. 1550)
Placentius, Jean-Leo (plä-sen’shus). A Belgian versifier, writing in Latin; born about 1500, at St. Trond (Liège); died about 1550. Among his writings are: ‘Catalogue of all Bishops of Tongres, Liège,’ etc., a fabulous history (1529); two comedies, one in prose, the other in verse; an alliterative poem, ‘Battle of the Pigs, by P. Porcius, Poet’ (Pugna Porcorum, per P. Porcium, Poetam), in which every word in the 253 verses begins with the letter p. It was printed at Basle, 1552, in conjunction with Hugbald’s ‘Eclogue on Baldheads’ (De Calvis), in which every word begins with c.