C.D. Warner, et al., comp.
The Library of the World’s Best Literature. An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.
Octave Mirbeau (1848–1917)
Mirbeau, Octave. A French novelist, journalist and dramatist; born at Trevières, Feb. 16, 1848; died on Feb. 16, 1917. He attacked the structure of society in the realistic manner. His first stories to win recognition: ‘Lettres de ma Chaumière’ (1885), were followed by ‘Le Calvaire’ (1886); ‘L’Abbé Jules’ (1888); ‘Sébastien Roch’ (1890); ‘Le Journal d’une Femme de Chambre’ (1900); ‘Les Vingt-et-un-Jours d’un Neurasthénique’ (1901); ‘Le Jardin des Supplices.’ His most important plays are: ‘Les Mauvais Bergers’ (1897) and ‘Les Affaires sont les Affaires’ (1903).