C.D. Warner, et al., comp.
The Library of the World’s Best Literature. An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.
Étienne Marc Quatremère (1782–1857)
Quatremère, Étienne Marc (kätr-mãr’). A French Orientalist; born at Paris, July 12, 1782; died on Sept. 18, 1857. He was successively employed in the Imperial Library, in the chair of Greek at Rouen, in the Academy of Inscriptions, in the Collège de France as professor of Hebrew and Aramaic, and in the School of Living Oriental Languages as professor of Persian. He produced many learned works, among which are: ‘Investigations into the Language and Literature of Egypt’ (1808); ‘Memoir upon the Nabateans’ [the Nabathites of the Bible] (1835); together with numerous valuable translations. He left also much lexicographic material.