C.D. Warner, et al., comp. The Library of the World’s Best Literature.
An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.
Flight of Erminia
By Torquato Tasso (1544–1595)
What fate will crown the strife,—if rage shall quail
To the calm virtue of pure chivalry,
Or giant strength o’er hardihood prevail:
But deepest cares and doubts distract the pale
And sensitive Erminia; her fond heart
A thousand agonies and fears assail:
Since on the cast of war’s uncertain dart,
Hangs the sweet life she loves, her soul’s far dearer part.
Wore of imperial Antioch, in the hour
When the flushed Christians won the stubborn town,
With other booty fell in Tancred’s power:
But he received her as some sacred flower,
Nor harmed her shrinking leaves; ’midst outrage keen,
Pure and inviolate was her virgin bower:
And her he caused to be attended, e’en
Amidst her ruined realms, as an unquestioned queen.
Honored her, served her, soothed her deep distress;
Gave to her freedom, to her charge restored
Her gems, her gold, and bade her still possess
Her ornaments of price: the sweet princess,
Seeing what kingliness of spirit shined
In his engaging form and frank address,
Was touched with love; and never did Love bind
With his most charming chain a more devoted mind.
[The battle is drawn at nightfall; but Tancred has been wounded, and Erminia starts to go to his tent to nurse him.]
Invested in her starry veil, the night
In her kind arms embracèd all this round;
The silver moon from sea uprising bright,
Spread frosty pearl upon the candied ground:
And Cinthia-like for beauty’s glorious light,
The lovesick nymph threw glistering beams around;
And counselors of her old love she made
Those valleys dumb, that silence, and that shade.
And castle-like pavilions, richly wrought,
From you how sweet methinketh blows the air;
How comforts it my heart, my soul, my thought!
Through heaven’s fair grace, from gulf of sad despair
My tossèd bark to port well-nigh is brought;
In you I seek redress for all my harms,
Rest ’midst your weapons, peace amongst your arms.
As gentle love assureth me I shall:
Among you had I entertainment kind,
When first I was the Prince Tancredie’s thrall:
I covet not, led by ambition blind,
You should me in my father’s throne install:
Might I but serve in you my lord so dear,
That my content, my joy, my comfort were.”
The sudden blow of fortune’s cruel spite:
She stood where Phœbe’s splendent beam appeared
Upon her silver armor doubly bright;
The place about her round the shining cleared
Of that pure white wherein the nymph was dight:
The tigress great that on her helmet laid,
Bore witness where she went, and where she stayed.
Through thick and thin all night, all day, she drived,
Withouten comfort, company, or guide;
Her plaints and tears with every thought revived,
She heard and saw her griefs, but naught beside:
But when the sun his burning chariot dived
In Thetis’s wave, and weary team untied,
On Jordan’s sandy banks her course she stayed
At last; there down she light, and down she laid.
This was her diet that unhappy night;
But sleep, that sweet repose and quiet brings
To ease the griefs of discontented wight,
Spread forth his tender, soft, and nimble wings,
In his dull arms folding the virgin bright;
And Love, his mother, and the Graces, kept
Strong watch and ward while this fair lady slept.
Their warbling music pierced her tender ear;
The murmuring brooks and whistling winds among
The rattling boughs and leaves their parts did bear;
Her eyes unclosed beheld the groves along
Of swains and shepherd grooms the dwellings were;
And that sweet noise, birds, winds, and waters sent,
Provoked again the virgin to lament.
That seemed from thickest bushes to proceed:
Some jolly shepherd sung a lusty round,
And to his voice had tuned his oaten reed.
Thither she went: an old man there she found,
At whose right hand his little flock did feed,
Sat making baskets his three sons among,
That learned their father’s art and learned his song.
The seely man and his were sore dismayed;
But sweet Erminia comforted their fear,
Her ventail up, her visage open laid.
“You happy folk, of heaven belovèd dear,
Work on,” quoth she, “upon your harmless trade:
These dreadful arms I bear, no warfare bring
To your sweet toil nor those sweet tunes you sing:
Destroyèd are with sword, with fire, and spoil,
How may it be, unhurt that you and yours
In safety thus apply your harmless toil?”
“My son,” quoth he, “this poor estate of ours
Is ever safe from storm of warlike broil;
This wilderness doth us in safety keep;
No thundering drum, no trumpet breaks our sleep.
Doth love the innocence of simple swains:
The thunderbolts on highest mountains light,
And seld or never strike the lower plains;
So kings have cause to fear Bellona’s might,
Not they whose sweat and toil their dinner gains,
Nor ever greedy soldier was enticed
By poverty, neglected and despised.
Dearer to me than wealth or kingly crown,—
No wish for honor, thirst of others’ good,
Can move my heart, contented with mine own.
We quench our thirst with water of this flood,
Nor fear we poison should therein be thrown;
These little flocks of sheep and tender goats
Give milk for food, and wool to make us coats.
From cold and hunger us to clothe and feed;
These are my sons,—their care preserves from stealth
Their father’s flocks, nor servants more I need.
Amid these groves I walk oft for my health,
And to the fishes, birds, and beasts give heed,
How they are fed in forest, spring, and lake;
And their contentment for ensample take.
These silver locks were golden tresses then—
That country life I hated as a crime,
And from the forest’s sweet contentment ran:
To Memphis’s stately palace would I climb,
And there became the mighty caliph’s man;
And though I but a simple gardener were,
Yet could I mark abuses, see and hear.
I suffered long what did my soul displease:
But when my youth was spent, my hope was vain,
I felt my native strength at last decrease;
I ’gan my loss of lusty years complain,
And wished I had enjoyed the country’s peace:
I bade the court farewell, and with content
My later age here have I quiet spent.”
His wise discourses heard with great attention;
His speeches grave those idle fancies kill,
Which in her troubled soul bred such dissension.
After much thought reformèd was her will:
Within those woods to dwell was her intention,
Till fortune should occasion new afford,
To turn her home to her desirèd lord.
That troubles some didst whilom feel and prove,
Yet livest now in this contented state,—
Let my mishap thy thoughts to pity move,
To entertain me as a willing mate
In shepherd’s life, which I admire and love:
Within these pleasant groves perchance my heart
Of her discomforts may unload some part.
If jewels rich thou diddest hold in prize,
Such store thereof, such plenty have I here,
As to a greedy mind might well suffice.”
With that down trickled many a silver tear,—
Two crystal streams fell from her watery eyes;
Part of her sad misfortunes then she told,
And wept, and with her wept that shepherd old.
Towards his cottage gently home to guide;
His aged wife there made her homely cheer,
Yet welcomed her, and placed her by her side.
The princess donned a poor pastora’s gear,
A kerchief coarse upon her head she tied;
But yet her gestures and her looks, I guess,
Were such as ill beseemed a shepherdess.
The heavenly beauty of her angel’s face,
Nor was her princely offspring damnified
Or aught disparaged by those labors base:
Her little flocks to pasture would she guide,
And milk her goats, and in their folds them place;
Both cheese and butter could she make, and frame
Herself to please the shepherd and his dame.
Her flocks lay hid from Phœbus’s scorching rays,
Unto her knight she songs and sonnets made,
And them engraved in bark of beech and bays;
She told how Cupid did her first invade,
How conquered her, and ends with Tancred’s praise:
And when her passion’s writ she over read,
Again she mourned, again salt tears she shed.
“This woeful story in your tender rind:
Another day under your shade, maybe,
Will come to rest again some lover kind,
Who if these trophies of my griefs he sees,
Shall feel dear pity pierce his gentle mind.”
With that she sighed, and said, “Too late I prove
There is no truth in fortune, trust in love.
The earnest suit of a distressed wight),
At my entreat they will vouchsafe to send
To these huge deserts that unthankful knight;
That when to earth the man his eyes shall bend,
And see my grave, my tomb, and ashes light,
My woeful death his stubborn heart may move,
With tears and sorrows to reward my love:
At least yet shall my spirit dead be blest;
My ashes cold shall, buried on this green,
Enjoy the good the body ne’er possessed.”
Thus she complainèd to the senseless treen:
Floods in her eyes, and fires were in her breast;
But he for whom these streams of tears she shed,
Wandered far off, alas! as chance him led.