C.D. Warner, et al., comp.
The Library of the World’s Best Literature. An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.
Harriette C. S. Buckham
A Book-Lover’s Apologia
Of printed page or cover,
Whene’er I haunt the book-shops old,
Their treasures rare discover;
Or when, in choicest catalogues,
Among which I’m a rover,
My heart leaps up their names to see,—
For am I not their lover?
With loving touch and tender;
But find their sweet, seductive charms
Soon call me to surrender.
Brave fight, ’twixt heart and my lean purse,
My loved books’ strong defender!
More precious for the valiant strife
That love is called to render!
Their dear forms round me cluster,
While rank on rank and file on file
In gathering numbers muster,
Think you I mind the sordid tongues
That soulless talk and bluster,
Or weigh, against their priceless worth,
The golden dollar’s lustre?
For which the soul has longings,
And in its daily, upward strife,
Finds both in such belongings,—
Dear books! loved friends, full meet ye are
To greet the earliest dawnings
Of all the happiest days in life,
Of all its brightest mornings!