
Home  »  Modern Russian Poetry  »  Ivan Bunin (b. 1870)

Deutsch and Yarmolinsky, comps. Modern Russian Poetry. 1921.


Ivan Bunin (b. 1870)

SHE sits on tumulus Savoor, and stares,

Old woman Death, upon the crowded road.

Like a blue flame the small flax-flower flares

Thick through the meadows sowed.

And says old woman Death: “Hey, traveler!

Does any one want linen, linen fit

For funeral wear? A shroud, madam or sir,

I’ll take cheap coin for it!”

And says serene Savoor: “Don’t crow so loud!

Even the winding-sheet is dust, and cracks

And crumbles into earth, that from the shroud

May spring the sky-blue flax.”