Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
England: Vols. I–IV. 1876–79.
Inscription for the Ruin of a Village Cross
By Henry Alford (1810–1871)T
These mouldering steps beneath,
And every child that passed along
Its soft petitions breathe,
In pious days of yore.
Were here assembled kneeling,
And to their labor bore away
A calm of holy feeling,
In Christian days of yore.
Of men with gloomy faces,
Unlike the men ye used to see
In such-like holy places
In quiet days of yore,
Of our Redeemer’s sorrow,
And promised in more force to join,
And break the rest to-morrow,—
Hating the days of yore.
This remnant hath befriended,
And by this shaft and time-worn steps
The memory hath defended
Of the good days of yore.
On common times pass nigh me,
Though no petition they repeat,
Nor kneel in silence by me,
As in the days of yore;
From Heaven come gently stealing,
And each from this gray ruin parts
With calmer, holier feeling,
Blessing the days of yore.