Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
England: Vols. I–IV. 1876–79.
By William Sotheby (1757–1833)A Lodge in the New Forest
Now lost amid the deep wood’s gloomy night,
Doubtful I trace a ray of glimmering light;
Now where some antique oak, itself a grove,
Spreads its soft umbrage o’er the sunny glade,
Stretched on its mossy roots at early dawn,
While o’er the furze with light bound leaps the fawn,
I count the herd that crops the dewy blade:
Frequent at eve list to the hum profound
That all around upon the chill breeze floats,
Broke by the lonely keeper’s wild, strange notes;
At distance followed by the browsing deer;
Or the bewildered stranger’s plaintive sound
That dies in lessening murmurs on the ear.