Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
England: Vols. I–IV. 1876–79.
Tearne Wadling
By Percy’s ReliquesK
And seemely is to see;
And there with him queene Guenever,
That bride soe bright of blee.
That bride so bright in bowre:
And all his barons about him stoode,
That were both stiffe and stowre.
With mirth and princelye cheare;
To him repaired many a knighte,
That came both farre and neare.
And cups went freely round:
Before them came a faire damsélle,
And knelt upon the ground.
I beg a boone of thee;
Avenge me of a carlish knighte,
Who hath shent my love and mee.
Near to that lake so fair,
And proudly rise the battlements,
And streamers deck the air.
May pass that castle-walle:
But from that foule discurteous knighte,
Mishappe will them befalle.
Wi’ thewes, and sinewes stronge,
And on his backe he bears a clubbe,
That is both thicke and longe.
But yester morne to see;
When to his bowre he bare my love,
And sore misused mee.
As lyttle shold him spare;
Goe tell, sayd hee, that cuckold kinge,
To meete mee if he dare.
And sware by hille and dale,
He ne’er wolde quitt that grimme baróne,
Till he had made him quail.
Goe saddle mee my steede;
Nowe, by my faye, that grimme baróne
Shall rue this ruthfulle deede.