Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.
1626 |
Casimir Pulaski (1747–79) |
Every proceeding respecting myself has been so thoroughly mortifying, that nothing but the integrity of my heart, and the fervency of my Zeal Supports me under it…. Change then your opinion of one foreigner, who from his intrance into your Service, has never the cause to be pleased; who, in Europe, is by Rank superior to all that are in your Service; who certainly is not inferior in Zeal and Capacity and who perhaps, may have been considered as one who came to beg your favour. Be more just, Gentlemen, and Know that as I could not Submit to Stoop before the Sovereigns of Europe, So I came to hazard all the freedom of America, and desirous of passing the rest of my life in a Country truly free and before settling as a Citizen, to fight for Liberty. |
CASIMIR PULASKI, farewell address to Congress, Charleston, South Carolina, August 19, 1779.—R. D. Jamro, Pulaski: A Portrait of Freedom, appendix Y, pp. 199, 200 (1981). |
Revolutionary War (1775–1783) |