Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class I. Words Expressing Abstract RelationsSection VI. Time
1. Absolute Time
115. [False Estimate of Time.] Anachronism.
NOUN:ANACHRONISM, metachronism, parachronism, prochronism; prolepsis, misdate; anticipation, antichronism [rare].disregard of time, neglect of time, oblivion of time.
intempestivity [rare] [See Intempestivity].
VERB:MISDATE, antedate, postdate, overdate; anticipate; take no note of time; anachronize [rare].
ADJECTIVE:MISDATED &c. v.; undated; overdue; out of date, anachronous, anachronistic, intempestive, behind time.