Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class II. Words Relating to SpaceSection II. Dimensions
3. Centrical Dimensions
2. Special
236. Laterality.
NOUN:LATERALITY [rare]; side, flank, quarter, lee; hand; cheek, jowl or jole, wing; profile; temple, paries (pl. parietes), loin, haunch, hip; beam.gable, gable-end; broadside; lee side.
points of the compass; East, sunrise, Orient, Levant; West, Occident, sunset; orientation.
VERB:FLANK, outflank; sidle; skirt, border, wing; orientate; be on one side &c. adv.
ADJECTIVE:LATERAL, sidelong; collateral; parietal, flanking, skirting; flanked; sideling.
many-sided; multilateral, bilateral, trilateral, quadrilateral.
EASTERN, eastward, east, orient, oriental, auroral or aurorean; Levantine.
WESTERN, west, westerly, westward, occidental, Hesperian.
ADVERB:SIDEWAYS or sideway, sidewise, sideling, sidelong; broadside on; on one side, abreast, alongside, beside, aside; by, by the side of; side by side; cheek by jowl (near) [See Nearness]; to windward, to leeward; laterally &c. adj.; right and left; on her beam ends.
QUOTATION:His cheek the map of days outworn.—Shakespeare