Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class III. Words Relating to MatterSection III. Organic Matter
2. Sensation
(iii) Musical Sounds
415. Music.
NOUN:MUSIC; strain, tune, air; melody [See Melody. Concord]; piece of music, morceau [F.], rondo, rondeau, pastorale [It.], pastoral, cavatina, fantasia, toccata [It.], toccatella [It.], toccatina [It.], capriccio [It.], fugue, canon; potpourri, medley, incidental music; variations, roulade, cadenza, cadence, trill; serenade, notturno [It.], nocturne; passamezzo [It.]; staff or stave [See Melody. Concord].INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC; orchestral score, full score; minstrelsy, tweedledum and tweedledee [applied by Byrom to the feuds between Handel and Bononcini]; band, orchestra [See Musician]; composition, opus (pl. opera) [L.], movement, concert piece, concerted piece, symphony, concerto [It.], sonata, symphonic poem, tone poem; chamber music; overture, prelude, voluntary, Vorspiel [Ger.]; string quartet or quartette.
LIVELY MUSIC, polka, reel (dance) [See Blemish]; ragtime, jazz; syncopation; allegro &c. adv.
SLOW MUSIC, slow movement, Lydian measures; adagio &c. adv.; minuet; siren strains, soft music; lullaby, cradle song, berceuse [F.]; dump [obs.]; dirge (lament) [See Lamentation]; pibroch, coronach [Scot. & Ir.], dead march, martial music, march; waltz (dance) [See Amusement].
VOCAL MUSIC, vocalism; chaunt [archaic], chant; psalm, psalmody, hymnology; hymn; song (poem) [See Poetry]; oratorio, opera, operetta; canticle, cantata, lay, ballad, ditty, carol, pastoral, recitative or recitativo, aria parlante [It.], aria, arietta or ariette, canzonet; bravura, coloratura [It.], colorature; virtuoso music, cantabile.
solo, duet, duo [It.], trio, terzetto, quartet or quartette, quintet or quartette, sestet or sextet, septet, double quartet, chorus; part song, descant, glee, madrigal, catch, round, chorale; antiphon, antiphony; accompaniment; inside part, second, alto, tenor, bass; score, piano score, vocal score; burden, bourdon, drone.
CONCERT, musicale, musical [colloq.], recital, chamber concert, popular concert or pop [colloq.], open-air concert, serenade, aubade [F.]; community singing, singsong [colloq.].
METHOD, solfeggio [It.], tonic sol-fa, solmization; sight -singing, – reading; reading at sight.
COMPOSER [See Melody. Concord]; MUSICIAN [See Musician].
VERB:COMPOSE, write, set to music, arrange [See Musician]; attune.
PERFORM, execute, play [See Musician].
ADJECTIVE:MUSICAL; instrumental, vocal, choral, lyric, melodic, pure, operatic; classic, modern, orchestral, symphonic, contrapuntal, program; imitative, falsetto; harmonious [See Melody. Concord]; Wagnerian.
ADVERB:adagio; largo, larghetto, andante, andantino; alla cappella; maestoso, moderato; allegro, allegretto; spiritoso, vivace, veloce; presto, prestissimo; con brio; capriccioso; scherzo, scherzando; legato, staccato, crescendo, diminuendo, rallentando, affettuoso; arioso, parlante, cantabile; obbligato; pizzicato; desto [all It.].
- A snapp of musique.—Pepys
- In notes by distance made more sweet.—Collins
- Like the faint exquisite music of a dream.—Moore
- The music arose with its voluptuous swell.—Byron
- Music is the universal language of mankind.—Longfellow
- Music’s golden tongue.—Keats
- The speech of angels.—Carlyle
- Will sing the savageness out of a bear.—Othello
- Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast.—Congreve
- Lap me in soft Lydian airs.—Milton
- What a voice was here now!—Beaumont and Fletcher
- I am never merry when I hear sweet music.—Merchant of Venice