Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class III. Words Relating to MatterSection III. Organic Matter
2. Sensation
(iii) Perceptions of Light
442. Blindness.
NOUN:BLINDNESS, sightlessness, benightedness, anopsia or anopsy, cecity, excecation [obs.], cataract, ablepsia or ablepsy [rare], prestriction [obs.]; dim-sightedness [See Dim-sightedness]; amaurosis, gutta serena [“drop serene” of Milton], teichopsia.[TYPE FOR THE BLIND] Braille or Braille type, New York point, Gall’s serrated type, Howe’s American type or Boston type, Moon’s type; Alston’s Glasgow type, Lucas’s type, Frere’s type; string alphabet, writing stamps, noctograph.
VERB:BE BLIND &c. adj.; not see; lose sight of; have the eyes bandaged; grope in the dark.
NOT LOOK; close -, shut -, turn away -, avert- the eyes; look another way; wink (limited vision) [See Dim-sightedness]; shut the eyes to, be blind to; wink at, blink at.
RENDER BLIND &c. adj.; excecate [obs.], blind, blindfold; hoodwink, dazzle; put one’s eyes out; throw dust into one’s eyes; jeter de la poudre aux yeux [F.]; screen from sight (hide) [See Concealment].
ADJECTIVE:BLIND; eyeless, sightless, visionless; dark; stone-blind, stark-blind, sand-blind [archaic]; undiscerning; dimsighted [See Dim-sightedness].
blind as -a bat, – a buzzard, – a beetle, – a mole, – an owl; wall-eyed.
BLINDED &c. v.
ADVERB:BLINDLY, blindfold; darkly.
QUOTATION:O dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon.—Milton