Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual FacultiesDivision (I) Formation of Ideas
Section I. Operations of Intellect in General
450. Intellect.
NOUN:INTELLECT, mind, understanding, reason, thinking principle; rationality; cogitative -, cognitive -, discursive -, reasoning -, intellectual- faculties; faculties, senses, consciousness, observation, percipience or percipiency, apperception, mentality, intelligence, intellection [obs.], intuition, association of ideas, instinct, conception, judgment, wits, parts, capacity, intellectuality, genius; brains, cognitive -, intellectual- powers; wit [See Intelligence. Wisdom]; ability (skill) [See Skill]; wisdom [See Intelligence. Wisdom]; Vernunft [Ger.], Verstand [Ger.].EGO, soul, spirit, ghost [archaic], inner man, heart, breast, bosom, penetralia mentis [L.], divina particula aurœ [L.], anima divina [L.], heart’s core; psyche, pneuma, subconscious self, subliminal consciousness, supreme principle, the Absolute.
SEAT OF THOUGHT, organ of thought, sensorium, sensory, brain; head, head-piece; pate [colloq.], noddle [colloq.], skull, pericranium, cerebrum, cranium, brain pan, brain box, brain case, sconce [colloq.], upper story [colloq.].
[SCIENCE OF MIND] metaphysics; philosophy [See Thought]; psychics; pneumatology, psychology, psychogenesis; noölogy, noöscopics, ideology; mental -, moral- philosophy; philosophy of the mind.
phrenology; craniology, cranioscopy; psychometry, psychophysics, psychanalysis or psycho-analysis.
IDEALITY, idealism; transcendentalism, immateriality [See Immateriality]; universal -concept, – conception; mahat [theos.].
PSYCHICAL RESEARCH; telepathy, thought transference, thought reading; clair-audience; clairvoyance, mediumship; spiritualism [See Psychical Research]
metaphysician, philosopher, psychologist, psychometer, psychopath, psychophysicist; psychic, medium, spiritist; adept, mahatma, yogi [Hinduism].
VERB:REASON, understand, think, reflect, cogitate, excogitate, conceive, judge, contemplate, meditate; ruminate (think) [See Thought].
NOTE, notice, mark; take -notice, – cognizance- of; be aware of, be conscious of; realize; appreciate; fancy (imagine) [See Imagination].
ADJECTIVE:[RELATING TO INTELLECT] intellectual, mental, rational, endowed with reason; subjective, noöscopic, psychological; cerebral; percipient, appercipient, animastic; brainy [colloq.].
HYPERPHYSICAL, superphysical; subconscious, subliminal; telepathic, clairaudient, clairvoyant; psychic or psychical, spiritual, ghostly; metaphysical, transcendental.
IMMATERIAL [See Immateriality].
- Cogito ergo sum; ens rationis; frons est animi janua.—Cicero
- Locos y niños dicen la verdad; mens sola loco non exulat.—Ovid
- My mind is my kingdom.—Campbell
- Stern men with empires in their brains.—Lowell
- The mind, the music breathing from her face.—Byron
- Thou living ray of intellectual Fire.—Falconer
- The mental condition of the modern world … the condition in which all natural explanations have broken down and no supernatural explanation has been established.—Chesterton
- Friends, fellow mortals, bearers of the ghost That burns, and breaks its lamp, but is not lost.—Masefield