Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class V. Words Releasing to the Voluntary PowersDivision (I) Individual Volition
Section II. Prospective Volition
3. Contingent Subservience
671. Escape.
NOUN:ESCAPE, scape [obs.]; avolation [obs.], elopement, flight; evasion (avoidance) [See Avoidance]; retreat; narrow -, hairbreadth- escape; close call [colloq.], close shave, near shave [colloq.]; come off, impunity.[MEANS OF ESCAPE] loophole (opening) [See Opening]; path [See Method]; secret -chamber, – passage; refuge [See Refuge]; vent, – peg; safety valve; drawbridge, fire escape.
reprieve (deliverance) [See Deliverance]; liberation [See Liberation].
REFUGEE (fugitive) [See Avoidance].
VERB:ESCAPE, scape [archaic]; make -, effect -, make good- one’s escape; break jail; get off, get clear off, get well out of; échapper belle [F.], save one’s bacon [colloq.], make a get-away [slang]; weather the storm (safe) [See Safety]; escape scot-free.
ELUDE &c., make off (avoid) [See Avoidance]; march off (go away) [See Departure]; give one the slip; slip through the -hands, – fingers; slip the collar, wriggle out of; break loose, break from prison; break – slip -, get- away; find vent, find a hole to creep out of.
ADJECTIVE:escaping, escaped &c. v.; stolen away, fled; scot-free.