Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class V. Words Releasing to the Voluntary PowersDivision (I) Individual Volition
Section III. Voluntary Action
1. Simple Voluntary Action
687. Repose.
NOUN:REPOSE, rest, silken repose; sleep [See Inactivity].relaxation, breathing time; halt, stay, pause (cessation) [See Cessation]; respite.
DAY OF REST, dies non [L.], Sabbath Lord’s day, Sunday, First Day, holiday, red-letter day; gala day (amusement) [See Amusement]; vacation, recess.
VERB:REPOSE; rest, rest and be thankful; take rest, take one’s ease.
lie down; recline, recline on a bed of down, recline on an easychair; go to -rest, – bed, – sleep [See Inactivity].
RELAX, unbend, slacken; take breath (refresh) [See Refreshment]; rest upon one’s oars; pause (cease) [See Cessation]; stay one’s hand.
take a holiday, shut up shop; lie fallow (inaction) [See Inaction].
ADJECTIVE:REPOSING &c. v.; unstrained.
HOLIDAY, festal, ferial [rare]; sabbatic or sabbatical.
ADVERB:at rest.
- The best of men have ever loved repose.—Thomson
- To repair our nature with comforting repose.—Henry VIII
- The nightly mercy of the eventide.—Masefield