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S. Austin Allibone, comp. Prose Quotations from Socrates to Macaulay. 1880.


God will not suffer man to have the knowledge of things to come: for if he had prescience of his prosperity, he would be careless; and understanding of his adversity, he would be senseless.

God’s … prescience or foresight of any action of mine, or rather his science or sight from all eternity, lays no necessity on anything to come to pass.

Henry Hammond.

We all foreknow that the sun will rise and set; that all men born into the world shall die again; that after winter the spring shall come; after the spring, summer and harvest; yet is not our foreknowledge the cause of any of those.

Of things of the most accidental and mutable nature God’s prescience is certain.

Robert South.

It would puzzle the greatest philosopher that ever was, to give any tolerable account how any knowledge whatsoever can certainly and infallibly foresee an event through uncertain and contingent causes.

John Tillotson.