
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Memorial of Queen Elizabeth

Anthony Nixon

Stanzas from “Elisue’s Memoriall” &c.

HER scepter was the rule of righteousnes;

Her subjects more for love then feare obei’d:

Her government seem’d perfect blessednes;

Her mercie with her justice ever swai’d:

Her bountie, grace, and magnanimitie

Her princely minde did plainely signifie.

She was the golden pipe, through which great Jove

Deriv’d to us his blessings manifolde:

She was the token of his tender love,

Chearing the hearts of all, both yoong and olde:

She hath extinguisht all the mistie daies,

And brought a light more bright then Phœbus’ raies.


That glorious light, which did illuminate

Our harts, which long in darknes had remain’d,

To make us of true light participate,

Whereby our steps from darknes are refrain’d.

How greatly are we bound to praise the Lord

For this great blessing of his sacred word!