Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
What Misery and Misfortunes Mankinde Is Continually Subjecte vntoCIV. H. C.
But he therein shall fynde
Great bitternesse and endlesse woe,
To mooue his troubled minde?
And feare in forrein lande:
If aught we haue by fortune lent,
In youth dame Follye’s bande
And wisedome’s lore do leaue:
In age doth sicknesse us assayle,
And so our strength bereaue.
In lacking of a wife
All sollitary we remaine,
And leade a loathsome lyfe.
We haue continuall care;
If none, then are we halfe dismayde,
Far worser doe we fare.
Desyred for to be;
Not to be borne, or else to dye
Before these dayes we see.