Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
From “A Plaine Pathway to Perfect Rest”CXXIX. Edward Wollay
And do not as the partridge doth, at every thinge to starte;
At every winde that blowes, it runnes in wods to lie,
And every childe that throwes a stone doth make the partridge flie.
Now, as I trust you will plant this within your brest,
It shall incourage me to write the way to perfit rest.
This one chief clause I finde, most mindefull to beware.
Wee know what God hath wil’d to do, or to forbeare;
Yet willingly we yeelde from safetie unto snare.
And therefore in this case my judgement doth advaunce,
That knowledge without grace is worse then ignoraunce.
Yet contrary we showe to him ourselves unthriftes:
The good from evill we see in all our daily driftes;
Yet to do good we flee, for lacke of grace’s giftes.
Then may we use this frase, most nice in remembraunce,
That knowledge without grace is worse than ignoraunce.