
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

A Godlie Prayer Giuen to Her Maiestie

CXXXV. Thomas Nelson

O GRACIOUS God, bowe downe thine eare

To me, that prostrate stand,

And graunt my prayer may be perfourmde

With thy most mightie hand.

Graunt, Lord, that our most gracious queene,

Elizabeth by name,

May florish still in happie state

And euerlasting fame.

Graunt that her highnesse liue and raigne

In health and perfect peace:

Graunt that her foes may be cut of;

Her friends, O Lord, encrease.

Graunt that her counsaile still may liue,

To do that which is right,

For safetie of her person, and

This realme, both day and night.

Graunt that the nobles of estate,

And lords of high renowne,

May liue in duetie to their prince,

And true still to the crowne.

Graunt, Lord, that pastors see dischargde

Their dueties in this land,

To beate downe sinne and wickednesse,

Which hath the vpper hand.

Graunt iustices may haue a care

To doe that which is right,

That widdowes nor the fatherlesse

Be not opprest by might.

Graunt, Lord, that they may still defend

The straunger and the poore,

Who sundry tymes by violence

Is thrust cleane out of doore.


God graunt that children now may growe

Obedient as they ought;

And that their parents haue a care

They may be duely taught

Their duetie to the God of heauen,

Their parents and their peeres;

So shall they better teach their owne,

When that they come of yeeres.

God graunt that seruants may haue care

To doe their duetie still;

First to please God, to liue in feare,

And doe their maisters’ will.

God graunt we may forgiue our foes,

Reuengement for to shunn:

For God a iust reuenger is

Of wrongs that hath bene donn.

Thus of my prayer I make an ende:

God graunt our endes be good;

That we may rest with Christ himself,

Who bought vs with his blood!