Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Psalme LILXXXI. Elizabeth Grymeston
In greatnesse of thy grace:
O let thy mercies manifolde
My many faults deface.
Hath so defiled me:
With streames of pity wash me cleane,
Els cleane I cannot be.
Remembrance do renew;
Too plaine in anguish of my heart
They stand before my view.
These euils I haue done,
And in thy presence: woe is me
That ere they were begun!
Where heart’s true ruth is showen;
Sheu now thy mercies vnto me,
To make thy iustice knowen:
Be made asham’d and shent;
As rife thy mercies to beholde,
As sinners to repent.
In crimes I did beginne;
My nature bad; my mother fraile;
Conceiu’d I was in sinne.
And trueth itselfe is thee,
I truely hope to haue thy grace,
From sinne to set me free:
The secret science gaue,
Whereby to know what thou wouldst spend
The sinfull world to saue;
Shall me besprinckle so,
That it my sinne-defiled soule
Shall wash more white than sno.
Of such my soule’s release,
How do sinne-laden limmes reioyce
At heart’s true ioye’s encrease!
View not so foule a staine;
First wipe away my spots impure,
Then turn thy face againe.
O God, create in me;
Let in me, Lord, of righteousnesse
A spirit infused be.
O cast me not away;
Thy Holy Ghost vouchsafe, O God,
With me that it may stay.
Restore to mee againe;
And with the spirit of graces cheefe
Confirme it to remaine:
My sutes receiued be,
The impious I may instruct,
How they may turn to thee.
From vengeance and from bloud,
How ioyfull I shall speake of thee,
So gracious and so good!
And I thy praise will shew;
For so thy graces do require,
Thou doest on me bestow.
As wonted were to be,
How gladly those for all my illes
I would haue yeelded thee!
A sorrowing soul for sinne;
Despising not the heart contrite,
And humble minde within.
In thy free bounty will,
With Zion, thy deare spouse on earth,
And fortifie it still:
That soueraigne sacrifice
From altar of all faithful hearts,
Deuoutly where it lies.
And glory to the Sonne,
And glory to the Holy Ghost
Eternally be done.