Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
The Description of Heauenly IerusalemLXXXV. Anonymous
At heauenly fountaines to refresh;
My prysoned minde would fayne be out
Of chaynes and fetters of the flesh.
From whence she downe by sin did slide;
She mournes the more the good she lost,
For present euill she doth abide.
To harbour in the hauen of blisse;
Where safely anchor at her ease,
And store of sweet contentment is.
Desires to see her countrey deare;
She sits and sends her sighes before—
Her ioyes and treasures all be there.
Vnto her home and towne of peace,
Ierusalem, where ioyes abound,
Continue still, and neuer cease.
Nor sommer’s parching heate doth harme;
It neuer freezeth there, nor snowes;
The weather’s euer temperate warme.
The birds doe euer chirpe and sing;
The fruit is mellow all the yeare:
They haue an euerlasting spring.
Their hearbes and flowers fresh and greene;
All sorts of dainty plants and fruites
At all times there are to be seene.
The riuer, wine most perfect flowes,
More pleasant than the honnycombe;
Vpon whose bankes the sugar growes,
Enclosed in reedes of sinamon.
Most rich and fayre that euer was;
Her streetes and houses pau’d and gilt
With gold more cleare then christall glasse.
And each a glistering margarite,
Which commers in farre off may see—
A gladsome and a glorious sight.
Her moone doth neuer wax nor wane:
The Lambe with light hath her endued,
Whose glory pen cannot explaine.
In numbers more then men can thinke;
So many in a company
As loue in likeness doth them linke.
In swiftnes, arrowes from a bowe;
In strength, in firmnes, steele or brasse;
In brightnes, fire; in whitnes, snow.
With girdles gilt of beaten golde;
They in their hands, as white as milke,
Of palme triumphant branches holde.
Shoot forth their glorious gladsome beames:
The field is fought; the battle won;
Their heads be crown’d with diademes.
Distinct their ioyes and happines;
But each in ioy of other’s blisse
Doth as his owne the same possesse.
And all their glories doe excell:
But where as all to each redound,
Who can th’ exceeding glory tell?
Recount their daungers which doe cease;
And noble citizens euerywhere
Their happy gaines of ioy and peace.
The King that heauenly pallace rules
Doth beare vpon his golden shield
A crosse in signe of tryumph, gules
Erected in a uerdant field.
Him in his manhood for to take,
Whose Godhead earth and heauen aboue,
And all that dwell therein, did make.
With Christ their Lord and Master deare;
Like spouses they the bridegroome kisse,
Who feasteth them with heauenly cheare;
Which taste doth such a pleasure bring,
As none to iudge thereof be meete,
But they which banquet with the King.
And mount in contemplation hye;
With seraphins they burne in loue,
The beames of glory be so nygh.
Happy regard and heauenly sight;
O endlesse ioy without surcease;
Perpetuall day which hath no night!
A spring of euerlasting blisse;
Eternal sunne; resplendant light;
And eminent cause of all that is!
Garden of glory euer greene;
O glorious glasse, and mirrour bright,
Wherein all truth is clearly seene!
Monarchall seate; emperiall throne!
Where King of kings, and Soueraigne Lord,
For euer ruleth all alone:
The secrets of the Deity;
The Godhead one, in persons three,
The super-blessed Trinity.
All puisant high sublimity;
The breadth of loue without all bound,
In endlesse long eternity.
Alone ascends the mounting fire:
Be this the centor of my minde,
And lofty spheare of her desire.
The tyred hare the thickes and wood:
Be this the comfort of my toyle,
My refuge, hope, and soueraigne good.
The soldier serueth for renowne;
The tyllman plowes the ground for graine:
Be this my ioy and lasting crowne.
The hunter beates to view the game:
Long thou, my soule, to see this sight,
And labour to enjoy the same.
Which he endeauours to attaine:
Seeke thou, my soule, both day and night,
This one, which euer shall remaine.
All other pleasures be but vaine:
Bid thou the rest, my soule, adue,
And seeke this one alone to gaine.
Or sandes that lye vpon the shore;
And when yee haue the number found,
The ioyes heereof be many more.
And lodge within the happy mynde;
And when so many yeares be past,
Yet more and more be still behinde.
They doe our iudgment much excell:
No ear hath heard, or eye hath seene;
No pen can write, no tongue can tell.
The endlesse ioy of heauenly blisse;
Which, being wholly infinite,
Beyond all speach and writing is.
It neuer entred into thought,
What ioyes he hath enioyed, that made
All ioyes, and them that ioy, of nought.
Let her, Lord, enter into them,
For euer with thee to remayne,
Within thy towne, Ierusalem.