Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Psalme XLVIIVI. Sir Philip Sidney and the Countess of Pembroke
A glad applause of clapping hands:
To God a song of triumph sing,
Who high and highlie feared stands,
Of all the earth sole-ruling king:
That nations by our power opprest,
On foote on humbled countries goes,
Who Jacob’s honor loved best,
An heritage for us hath chose.
Harmonious aire with trumpetts’ sound:
High praise our God; praise, praise our King,
Kings of the world, your judgments sound,
With skilfull tune his praises sing.
For God the King of kingdomes raignes
The folk of Abraham’s God to frend:
Hee, greatest prince, greate princes gaines;
Princes, the shields that earth defend.