Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
The Dignity of ManVII. Sir John Davies
That thou to him so great respect dost beare;
That thou adornst him with so bright a mind,
Mak’st him a king, and euen an angels’ peere?
What spreading vertue, what a sparkling fire,
How great, how plentifull, how rich a dowre,
Dost thou within this dying flesh inspire!
But thy whole image thou in man hast writ:
There cannot be a creature more diuine,
Except, like thee, it should be infinit.
God hath raisd man, since God a man became:
The angels doe admire this mysterie,
And are astonisht when they view the same.
Nor made them on the bodie’s life depend:
The soule, though made in time, suruiues for aye;
And though it hath beginning, sees no end.