Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
A Song of the Faithfull for the Mercies of GodX. Michael Drayton
For though thou wert offended once with mee,
Thy heauy wrath is turn’d from me againe,
And graciously thou now doost comfort mee.
I trust in him, and feare not any power:
He is my song, the strength I lean vpon;
The Lord God is my louing Sauiour.
Draw foorth sweet water which it dooth affoord:
And in the day of trouble and of strife
Cal on the name of God the liuing Lord.
Unto al people let his praise be showne;
Record in song the meruails he hath done,
And let his glorie through the world be blowne.
I giue thee charge that this proclaimed be,—
The great and mightie King of Israëll
Now only dwelleth in the midst of thee.