
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Of Faith and Zeale

XCII. John Bodenham

  • Faith shews a good man’s fruits; preserues the soule;
  • And zeale doth best giue euidence of faith.

  • FAITHE’S best is triall, then it shineth most;

    The faithfull stands, the faultie man wil flye:

    Zeale is but cold where louelesse law restraines

    This hastie rashnes, where true faith doth flye;

    In deepe distress true faith doth best auaile.

    When once man’s faith is spotted and defamd,

    The bodie had been better neuer framd.

    Zeale and good courage best become a prince;

    Faith bides no perfit triall but by time;

    Shipwrack of faith is made where conscience dyes;

    Friends haue no priueledge to breake their faith;

    The gift deserueth most is giuen in zeale.

    False fainting zeale, shadowed with good pretence,

    Can find a cloake to couer each offence.

    False faith is ouer-poizde with weakest weight,

    The ballance yeelds vnto the lightest feather;

    An easie yeelding zeale is quickly quaild;

    Faith violated is most detestable;

    Faith once resolued treads fortune vnder foot;

    The man that holds no faith shall find no trust.

    Where faith doth fearlesse dwell in brazen tower,

    There spotlesse pleasure builds her sacred bower.

    A zealous heart is alwaies bountifull;

    The faith of knighthood is by vertue tryed;

    Euery occasion quailes a hireling faith;

    A prince’s greatest fault is breach of faith;

    The faith of pagans ought not be belieu’d.

    Faith is a fortress ’gainst all fainting feare,

    And zeale the walles doth euermore vpreare.

    Take faith from iustice, all things runne to spoile;

    Authoritie is strengthened best by zeale:

    Who binds himself by faith had need beware;

    Faith to rash oathes no credit giues at all:

    The greater faith, the greater sufferance.

    Faith is the true foundation of the soule,

    And soonest doth redeeme the same from sinne.

    Zeale makes opinion stand inuincible;

    A good man’s wish is substance, faith, and fame.

    Selfe-wille doth frown when earnest zeale reprooues;

    Faith mounteth to the cloudes on golden wings:

    Faith brings forth workes, and workes declare our faith;

    No faith too firme, no trust can be too strong.