Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Lines Prefixed to Greenham’s “Comfort for an afflicted Conscience”XCIX. H. C.
Or hunger-bit, for heauenly foode doth long;
The wearied hart, that panteth all the way,
Oppressed with feares, and homebread griefs among;
The blinded eye, that hunts the shining ray,
Or minde enthralde through Satan’s wily wrong;
Let hither fare for comfort in their neede:
For smothered flames a greater fire will breede.
And hony dewes thy hungrie stomache fill:
Heere sweete repose with comfort shall intreate
Thy wounded breast to cure with busy skill:
Hence fetch thy ransome, howsoeuer great;
A mine of treasures are in this faire hill;
From whose hye top thy scaled eies may see
A glorious light that shall enlighten thee.
The rest and comfort are cœlestiall ioyes;
The ransome from the crosse was freely giuen;
The light is faith, which darknes all destroyes.
Thrise happy man, that guides his steps so euen,
As his pure light no gloomy darke annoyes:
His ransom’d soule æternal ioyes shall win,
When timelye death shall blessed life begin.